Utah Professional Organizer

The true goal of tidying is to clear away clutter so you can live the life you want. The question of what you want to own is actually the question of how you want to live your life. When you reassess your belongings and organize your home, you set the stage for a huge transformation.

I lived in Japan for nearly five years and grew to admire the values of gratitude, integrity, honor, and respect in Japanese culture. This influences the deep connection I feel with the KonMari method of organizing. I am passionate about helping you discover the peace and happiness of an organized home.

I will meet you wherever you are! I can pack you up, move you out, move you in, top to bottom KonMari festival, pantry overhaul, closet de-clutter, toy room tidy-up, whatever your concern is- talk with me! I want you to fall in love with your life and your home again...let me help you!
If you create a space full of love and character and creativity and soul, people will take off their shoes and curl up with gratitude and rest, no matter how small, no matter how undone, no matter how odd.